Notice Board

Production Technology of Peach

Peach and Nectarines (Prunus persica):

  • Climatic and Soil Requirements:
    • Ideal for warm temperate climates, also grown in subtropics.
    • Limiting factors: Low winter temperature, spring frost, high humidity.
    • Soil: Sandy soils with depth of 7.0 m, pH 5.8 to 6.8.
  • Propagation and Planting:
    • Propagation: T-budding, leafy succulent soft wood and hardwood cuttings.
    • Rootstocks: Seeds from late cultivars, nematode-resistant varieties.
  • Training and Pruning:
    • Systems: Modified leader, open centre, V-shaped tatura trellis, pillar, high-density vase.
    • Pruning: Annual heading back, thinning of side branches.
  • Crop Regulation and Harvest:
    • Thinning to regulate heavy flowering and fruiting.
    • Maturity indices: Days after full bloom, fruit size, fruit firmness, pit discolouration.


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